Part 92: Those bracers are going to have some explaining to do.
-Dancing With The Wind-

Ooooh, I hope everyone's okay!

You don't suppose the tables got turned on 'em?

If that were to happen, Sieg would have returned to tell us that they're in danger.

For now, all we can do is trust in them and wait.

I hope so...


One hour until nightfall...Once that passes, we press our assault. Captain. Ready the men.

That shall not be necessary.

Wh-Wh-What the hell was THAT?!

That wasn't just me?!

Where did that sound come from?!

Huh? It looks like something reeeeal big's coming up from below!

Brave bannermen of Auslese. Hearken to my words. I am Ragnard, the dragon who has slumbered in these lands since time immemorial. My will was wrested from me, turned toward the machinations of the vile ones, but as surely as I speak to thee now, thy bracers have freed me. The full tale is theirs to tell...Till next we meet, I bid you fair skies.

Whoa! It's already out of sight!

Er...We gonna, uh, give chase?

We can't possibly chase him at that altitude. Even if the Arseille survived, we would suffocate.

Oh, Aidios...

Those bracers are going to have some explaining to do.
And thus, the incident of the dragon that had shaken the Bose region came to a close. Estelle and her group spent a long (long) time explaining everything that had happened to General Morgan. When they were finally let go, they delivered the goldia crystals entrusted to them by Ragnard to Maybelle and Reisen.
And so, one week later...
-In My Heart-



Never thought we'd meet here of all places. What brings you out here?

Oh...A little whimsy, I suppose.

You're here to make an offering to your sister, correct? Allow me to pardon myself.

Hey, hey, I didn't say you were in the way or anything.

And those flowers...They yours?

Yes, although...If I'd known the flowers would have company, I would have picked a different color.

I figured there was someone other than me settin' some flowers down here every year. Didn't think it was you, though.

Was it? An old man like me can hardly remember the things he's done over the years.

Heh, says the army general.


Agate, could I place my flowers, too?


Yeah, go on.
Agate and Tita stood for a moment in silent prayer.


Sorry 'bout all this, Tita. Thanks for coming out here with me.

No, I wanted to give my respects to Mischa, too. So...thank you, Agate.

Whoa, there, that's enough of that. I should be thanking you. And hey, I promised I'd let you meet her once work had calmed down.

I guess you did, huh?


The dragon apparently said as much already, but you've certainly changed, Mr. Crosner. You feel much calmer somehow.

Ah, cut that out. I've still got a ways to go.

But now I'm ready to actually do something about it. Everything really does start here.


The downsides of the army which you spoke of...Having thought them over again, I believe your argument had some merit.

Nah, that was know, blowin' off some steam at people who didn't deserve it. It's not like I think the army did anything wrong.

No. Listen closely, now.

If there's anything I've learned from this, it's that we need both bracers and the army to properly function as a society. The organization and hierarchy of the army is certainly useful, but there are times when the bracers' swift actions lead to better results. Without both, we could never have stopped this crisis.

...True enough. It's thanks to your plan that we found the dragon at all.

Alan Richard had the right of it, in a way. The flow of information since orbments were developed has increased rapidly, to a point where no single group can capably manage it. The only way for us to process it all is to expand our numbers and allocate the work to progressively fragmented subdivisions.

The army's sure got that down. You've got the border garrison, airship crews, the Royal Guard, even the Intelligence Division...


It was a necessary evolution to keep pace with the times. Even if a multitude of issues have fallen through the cracks in the process...For us, there's no turning back.


That being said, you bracers are free to do as you will.

We as the army are limited, but you can--and by all accounts should--protect the people to the utmost of your abilities.

Come again?

That may cause our two factions to clash every so often, but we'll just as often come together in support for one another. Whatever the situation may call for, we've found a way to compensate for our flaws and keep from straying down the wrong path.

Personally, I wouldn't have it any other way.

Heh...Kinda got a point there. All right, if it makes you happy, we'll keep buttin' into your business at every possible turn, General. Hope you're ready.

I could say the same to you. Keep in mind not to do anything TOO reckless.

Young Man's Voice: Heh...Pardon me for disturbing such a peaceful moment.

Oh, no...

You are...

I believe this is the first time we've met, General Morgan.

I am an Enforcer of Ouroboros. You may call me Leonhardt. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.
What did you--

You...What the hell are you doing here?

This is a place where the dead rest. There's only one proper thing to do. Or do you intend to reenact our last meeting here, in a place like this?



I know.
Loewe offered silent prayer.


Leonhardt...'Loewe the Bladelord,' yes? I, too, do not wish to disturb the dead...But I have a question I would ask of you.

By all means.

Earlier, it seemed as though you kept the dragon from causing greater damage than it otherwise would have. And here you are now, offering prayers for the departed.

So why? Why would a man such as you bring chaos to our land? What sort of demons in your soul drive you to such acts?


The only reason I reined in the dragon's rampage was to conduct a proper experiment. I had no goal beyond that.


General. I simply act as the hand of the society, as it orders. I am bound to the will of the society and no other.

Do not think to compare yourself to me. You, who are bound by force to silence over Hamel.

Hamel? What's that place got to do with anything?

In any case...Agate Crosner.

Your resolve has clearly hardened, but that means nothing if you don't have the strength to support it. Should you fail to measure up the next time we meet, more than your sword will end up broken.

Oh, don't you worry about me. And the same goes for you, too, pal. Don't think you can just strut around all confident forever. I'll catch up to you real quick. Be ready.

Heh...I look forward to it.

He tries to be cold, but he was so sad when he was praying.


Hey. General. Hamel was a village just across the border in Erebonia, right?

You know the name, do you?

Us Ravennue folks occasionally had contact with them before the war.

Not anymore, though. Not sure why. Why would he bring that name up?


I'm afraid I am not free to speak on the subject. It connects to matters of international security.

To what...?!

I can, however, say this: If my suspicions about that man are true...

...then that man, Loewe, has stared into the pits of Gehenna with his own two eyes.